the pstorage function(persistent storage) of nRF5X has been changed as fstorage in SDK12.
the APIs have been changed. So I write the example for demonstrating how to adopt those .
Board :nRF52832/SDK12/s132
I create the project file "ble_app_fstoarge_test_file" in example\ble_peripheral
And the example is coopied from nRF5_SDK_12.2.0_f012efa\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_template
project config:
please include all the files in this folder
and do not forget to paste the path to project option
the line begins about 3124 in "sdk_config.h" should be modified as following for fds purpose.
("sdk_config.h" is located in nRF5_SDK_12.2.0_f012efa\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_fstorage_test_file\pca10040\s132\config)
add these codes to test fstorage
// <e> FDS_ENABLED - fds - Flash data storage module //========================================================== #ifndef FDS_ENABLED #define FDS_ENABLED 1 #endif #if FDS_ENABLED // <o> FDS_OP_QUEUE_SIZE - Size of the internal queue. #ifndef FDS_OP_QUEUE_SIZE #define FDS_OP_QUEUE_SIZE 4 #endif // <o> FDS_CHUNK_QUEUE_SIZE - Determines how many @ref fds_record_chunk_t structures can be buffered at any time. #ifndef FDS_CHUNK_QUEUE_SIZE #define FDS_CHUNK_QUEUE_SIZE 8 #endif // <o> FDS_MAX_USERS - Maximum number of callbacks that can be registered. #ifndef FDS_MAX_USERS #define FDS_MAX_USERS 8 #endif // <o> FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGES - Number of virtual flash pages to use. // <i> One of the virtual pages is reserved by the system for garbage collection. // <i> Therefore, the minimum is two virtual pages: one page to store data and // <i> one page to be used by the system for garbage collection. The total amount // <i> of flash memory that is used by FDS amounts to @ref FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGES // <i> @ref FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE * 4 bytes. #ifndef FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGES #define FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGES 3 #endif // <o> FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE - The size of a virtual page of flash memory, expressed in number of 4-byte words. // <i> By default, a virtual page is the same size as a physical page. // <i> The size of a virtual page must be a multiple of the size of a physical page. // <1024=> 1024 // <2048=> 2048 #ifndef FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE #define FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE 1024 #endif #endif //FDS_ENABLED // </e> // <e> FSTORAGE_ENABLED - fstorage - Flash storage module //========================================================== #ifndef FSTORAGE_ENABLED #define FSTORAGE_ENABLED 1 #endif #if FSTORAGE_ENABLED // <o> FS_QUEUE_SIZE - Configures the size of the internal queue. // <i> Increase this if there are many users, or if it is likely that many // <i> operation will be queued at once without waiting for the previous operations // <i> to complete. In general, increase the queue size if you frequently receive // <i> @ref FS_ERR_QUEUE_FULL errors when calling @ref fs_store or @ref fs_erase. #ifndef FS_QUEUE_SIZE #define FS_QUEUE_SIZE 4 #endif // <o> FS_OP_MAX_RETRIES - Number attempts to execute an operation if the SoftDevice fails. // <i> Increase this value if events return the @ref FS_ERR_OPERATION_TIMEOUT // <i> error often. The SoftDevice may fail to schedule flash access due to high BLE activity. #ifndef FS_OP_MAX_RETRIES #define FS_OP_MAX_RETRIES 3 #endif // <o> FS_MAX_WRITE_SIZE_WORDS - Maximum number of words to be written to flash in a single operation. // <i> Tweaking this value can increase the chances of the SoftDevice being // <i> able to fit flash operations in between radio activity. This value is bound by the // <i> maximum number of words which the SoftDevice can write to flash in a single call to // <i> @ref sd_flash_write, which is 256 words for nRF51 ICs and 1024 words for nRF52 ICs. #ifndef FS_MAX_WRITE_SIZE_WORDS #define FS_MAX_WRITE_SIZE_WORDS 1024 #endif #endif //FSTORAGE_ENABLED // </e>
the "sdk_config.h" is first time added in SDK12, almost every function must config in this file.
example code:
add these functions to test fstorage
about line 706
/*the definition for fstorage*/
static volatile uint8_t write_flag=0;
static uint8_t fs_callback_flag;
#define NUM_PAGES 4
#define PAGE_SIZE_WORDS 256
static uint32_t data;
static uint32_t flash_data[4];
/**@brief Function for the Power manager. */ static void power_manage(void) { uint32_t err_code = sd_app_evt_wait(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } static void fs_evt_handler(fs_evt_t const * const evt, fs_ret_t result) { if (result != FS_SUCCESS) { bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_FATAL_ERROR); } else { NRF_LOG_INFO("fstorage command successfully completed\n\r"); fs_callback_flag = 0; } } static void fstorage_test(void) { PRINTF("fstorage_test\r\n"); FS_REGISTER_CFG(fs_config_t fs_config) = { .callback = fs_evt_handler, // Function for event callbacks. .num_pages = NUM_PAGES, // Number of physical flash pages required. .priority = 0xFE // Priority for flash usage. }; fs_ret_t ret = fs_init(); if (ret != FS_SUCCESS) { bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_FATAL_ERROR); } // Erase one page (256*4). NRF_LOG_INFO("Erasing a flash page at address 0x%X\r\n", (uint32_t)fs_config.p_start_addr); fs_callback_flag = 1; ret = fs_erase(&fs_config, fs_config.p_start_addr, 1, NULL); if (ret != FS_SUCCESS) { bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_FATAL_ERROR); } while(fs_callback_flag == 1) { power_manage(); } //Read the first 4 words of the page NRF_LOG_INFO("Data read from flash address 0x%X: \r\n", (uint32_t)fs_config.p_start_addr); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { flash_data[i] = *(fs_config.p_start_addr + i); NRF_LOG_INFO("%X \r\n", flash_data[i]); } /*agatha*/ NRF_LOG_INFO("from agatha\r\n"); data = 0x19950225; NRF_LOG_INFO("Writing data 0x%X to address 0x%X\r\n", data, (uint32_t)fs_config.p_start_addr ); fs_callback_flag = 1; ret = fs_store(&fs_config, fs_config.p_start_addr, &data, 1, NULL); if (ret != FS_SUCCESS) { bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_FATAL_ERROR); } while(fs_callback_flag == 1) { power_manage(); } //Read the first 4 words of the page NRF_LOG_INFO("Data read from flash address 0x%X: \r\n", (uint32_t)fs_config.p_start_addr); flash_data[2] = *(fs_config.p_start_addr); NRF_LOG_INFO("%X ", flash_data[2]); } /**@brief Function for application main entry. */ int main(void) { PRINTF("DEVICE START \r\n"); uint32_t err_code; bool erase_bonds; // Initialize. err_code = NRF_LOG_INIT(NULL); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); ble_stack_init(); peer_manager_init(erase_bonds); if (erase_bonds == true) { NRF_LOG_INFO("Bonds erased!\r\n"); } gap_params_init(); advertising_init(); services_init(); conn_params_init(); // Start execution. NRF_LOG_INFO("Proximity Start!\r\n"); advertising_start(); /*the example function of fstorage*/ PRINTF("start fstorage test\r\n"); fstorage_test(); // Enter main loop. for (;;) { if (NRF_LOG_PROCESS() == false) { power_manage(); } } }
these code demo how to :
initialize fstorage ->clear the code page -> write at specific address (0x79000) ->read the address
and I define
the number of code pages and page_size should be a multiple of 4.
/*the definition for fstorage*/ static volatile uint8_t write_flag=0; static uint8_t fs_callback_flag; #define NUM_PAGES 4 #define PAGE_SIZE_WORDS 256 static uint32_t data; static uint32_t flash_data[4];
and the result print in segger_RTT will be like this :
1.this article only shows the most basic way to use fstorage, and how to prevent the conflict of
power_manage and fstorage.
2.I register the space and clear/ write at the same time, so the space for data to store is limited .
3.I did not define the start code page , so the fstorage will start at 0x79000 (in default)
but the start point is able to be assigned by yourself.
try to assign start point in
your could change the address 0x79000 as 0x78000 to observe the storaging address be entailed changed.
4.KNOWN insuffience :I have not implement how to use fstorage in interrupt (press button, UART...etc). Maybe I should write an example relate to fstorage and interrupt ?
Hello ! Can you tell me how to create a new project for nrf52. I use nrf52840 PDK. I always have trouble with the example in thier SDK. and I want to know how to create a new project.
回覆刪除try to change "ble_template" to suit your usage, but not to try to create a new project...
刪除it is really difficult to open a new project in Keil c