2017年9月18日 星期一

nRF51: A precise description of DFU_OTA

In this article will have 2 parts.
part 1 will describe how to make a DFU zip  file
part 2 will describe how to resolve "DFUtarg" after program bootloader.
(which means you don't need to press S4 button)


STEP 1. hex file in ./build folder.

this is  BLE advertisng name of my device
you can see it in mobile app

and I try to OTA the device and change its advertisng name.


I program again and change  DEVICE_NAME  to "nrf_agatha"
like this

find the .hex in

STEP 2. install necessary application on PC
please install below applicaiton on your PC

nrf command line tool

master control panel (MCP)

STEP 3.command for making a zip file

copy this .hex file to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Nordic Semiconductor\Master Control Panel\\nrf

open cmd.exe
and type the below command

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Nordic Semiconductor\Master Control Panel\\nrf
nrfutil.exe dfu genpkg --application nrf51422_xxac_s130.hex --application-version 0xffff --dev-revision 0xffff --dev-type 0xffff --sd-req 0xfffe nrf_agatha.zip

the result

and put nrf_agatha.zip to your mobile .

STEP 4.OTA upload test

start app nRF_Toolbox and press DFU

select .zip file

select device

start upload


and you will the name change

PART 2. how to avoid "DFUtarg"
after programing

Softdevice  >

application >
(as your folder)

bootloader  >

go to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf5x\bin

open cmd and type this command
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf5x\bin
nrfjprog.exe --family nrf51 --memwr 0x3fc00 --val 1

and type this
nrfjprog.exe --family nrf51 --reset

Note :
the above info had already write in my previous blogger, and this article just only for step-by-step

